Chromebook & E-Learning Help
If you need help with something not listed here, please reach out to your student's teacher!
Sign Into Clever
First, navigate to
Choose “Clever” from the top menu
If you have a Badge & Camera (Recommended)
Choose “Badge”
Allow Camera Permissions (If asked)
Scan your badge
Note: To sign into Google, just tap “Classroom” in the Clever menu, and you’ll be signed in automatically
No badge? No problem!
Choose “Sign In With Google”
Use your student’s email ending in “”
After completing Google Sign-in, you should see the Clever Dashboard!
Use Google Classroom
Sign In With Above Directions
Choose “Classroom” from the Clever Dashboard
Choose the correct class
You should now see your Class Feed. Please use directions posted by the teacher for more information.
Still Having Issues?
Go to on the student's device
Choose the student account (ending in or log in using the "No Badge" login steps above
You should now see your Class Feed. Please use directions posted by the teacher for more information.
Securly Home
Securly Home is a mobile app that allows you to see what your students do online using their School Chromebook. It's part of our student safety suite.
You can login using the email you use to access TeacherEase. Contact the main office with any problems!
Use Google Meet
If instructed, you may need to join a Google Meet for E-Learning
Follow the directions posted in your Google Classroom page
Make sure to allow camera/microphone access if prompted
Print At Home
We have no restrictions on at-home printing, and Chromebooks are designed to be compatible with most printers, typically working with 95% of models by default.
Adding a printer to your student's Chromebook is usually straightforward. Simply click "Add Printer" and select the appropriate device.
In some cases, particularly with older or unsupported printers, this process may not work as expected. If this occurs, we recommend referring to the official Google guide for troubleshooting steps.
Should you continue to experience issues, please contact the IT Department at or reach out via TeacherEase for further assistance.
Need A Chromebook?
If you have a student with a Chromebook, it can be shared among all of your students! To add a new student, log out and choose the "Add Person" or "Add User" option in the bottom left corner of the login screen. Your student's teacher can provide your student's Google Account password.
If you don't have any computers at home, please reach out to the main office for more information about what options are avalable.
Shopping For A New Computer or Headphones?
We have spent time carefully crafting a list of minimum specifications and recommended devices to make finding a new computer a little easier. Click here for our Chromebook Guide. There is also information about free & reduced student internet plans within the guide.
We have a similar guide for headphone shopping. Click here to see our Headphone recommendations.