MOVIE SUNDAY, November 24, 2024. Join Father Cárdenas for a free movie about St. José Sánchez del Rio, a martyr from Mexico. Place: St. Michael School Cafeteria Time: English @ 1:00 pm Time: Español @ 4:00 pm Popcorn, soda, and water will be provided. Please use the door by the Gym.
3 months ago, St. Michael
Streator, St. Michael the Archangel - Letter From Bishop Louis Tylka
9 months ago, St. Michael
Streator, St. Michael the Archangel - Page 1
Streator, St. Michael the Archangel - Letter From Bishop Louis Tylka (Spanish)
9 months ago, St. Michael
Streator, St. Michael the Archangel Spanish - Page 1
Leonore, Sts. Peter and Paul - Letter From Bishop Louis Tylka
9 months ago, St. Michael
Leonore, Sts. Peter and Paul - Page 1
Leonore, Sts. Peter and Paul - Page 2
Streator Quarter Auction Benefiting St. Vincent de Paul Society will be held Nov. 17th at 6:00 PM at the K of C.
over 2 years ago, Jill Seaton
Streator Quarter Auction
IMPORTANT NEWS FROM OUR ONLINE GIVING PLATFORM OSV (our online giving company) has a new platform and you will need to use the new link to their site as soon as possible. If you use the link you have been using the donation will not be processed. Go to the St. Michael the Archangel Parish website and click on online giving. That will get you to the new link. Then bookmark that new link for future donations. You do not have to re-enter any information, you just have to use the new link to access OSV. This link will also be included in the upcoming bulletin. For support call OSV at 800-348-2886
almost 3 years ago, Jill Seaton
Join us March 25th- Adoration will follow immediately after 7:00 AM Mass - Rosary @5:00 PM - Closing of Adoration - Stations of the Cross
almost 3 years ago, Jill Seaton
March 25th
Saturday December 25 Please note: No Vigil Mass for Sunday.
about 3 years ago, St. Michael Downtown Director
Christmas Confessions Schedule
about 3 years ago, Jill Seaton
Christmas Confessions Schedule
Masses Celebrated today at St. Michael the Archangel Parish: St. Elizabeth of Hungary 6:00 am Exposition - Adoration - benediction 7:00 am James G. Brennan by Family
over 3 years ago, Jr High Quiz Bowl
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